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Sunday, January 24, 2010

Mom and Tot

There have been some questions about which toys are OK to bring to the mom and tot activities. I e-mailed our Stake Relief Society Presidency, and this is the response we got:

The use of the building for this type of activity is actually restricted by policy from SLC. That said, we have allowed this activity to go on, but with some guidelines.

1. The mothers need to watch the children and keep them in the gym area--keep them off the stage--we don't want someone to fall and get injured.

2. We do not want Trykes/Hot Wheels/Large toys with rubber wheels as they do mark the floor and the walls.

3. It can not be held on Tuesday during the day as that is the time that the FM Grp cleans the building and they hamper the cleaning by the FM Grp (who have very few hours to get their work completed)

4. Some one needs to be in charge of the activity-it needs to be approved by the Bishop and the building needs to be cleaned up after the activity and secured.

We think that the gathering of the sisters is a wonderful idea--SLC thinks it should happen at other than the church building--the church building does provide a large area for an activity, especially during these cold days when outside activity is limited.

If these guide lines are followed, we at the stake will leave it to the Bishops to decide if the building can be used as such.